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Charli Taylor

Ciao! Merhaba! Hola! Jambo! Namaste! Ni Hao! Salam!

Whichever language you say it in, hello and welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. Here’s the thing: I love working with internationally-minded clients and students.

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How’d you get started?

Glad you asked!

I’ve dedicated 15 years to all things international in higher education.  I’ve consulted on opening international markets, course development, off-shore campuses, and government scholarship schemes. But my big passion has been recruiting and admitting students into brilliant programs in awesome places like the University of Exeter, Brunel Law School, and Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell. 

Years ago, my dream was to go into international development, particularly in the Middle East. I completed my MA in Diplomatic Studies (also known in the course catalogue as Dip Stud – yeah, I have a degree in Dip Stud) at the Diplomatic Academy of London. I started my career working on international education projects in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Vietnam.  I visited loads of schools and universities and met tons of students and young professionals who shared their dreams and ambitions with me. I woke up every morning feeling inspired and excited.

I saw through my work that international education has a profound impact on countries, communities, and lives. As my career grew, I got involved in organizations committed to leveraging education for human capacity development.  That is why I’ve dedicated the rest of my career to making our world better through education.

Helping students is just the best!

It was a natural step from helping schools and governments create better educational opportunities to helping clients advance their own personal career goals and education, particularly through the MBA. Now, at MBA Protocol, I get to feed my love of human capacity development by helping kick arse clients like you, who will transform their countries and our world, achieve their educational dreams and professional goals.

“I owe my success to Charli and I have no doubt that if you choose her to be your guide in this application process, she will dedicate the same energy and effort to help you get to where you want to be!”
HBS Class of 2024 Admit

Why should I work with you?

Well, we don’t like the concept of ‘should’ here at MBA Protocol, but let me tell you about some of the cool stuff I’ve done that prepared me to be a caring and thoughtful career coach:

  • During my undergrad, I interned for Students in Free Enterprise (now Enactus), an international organization with a mission to create a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. I facilitated SIFE’s introduction into the former Soviet Union, including their first regional competition in Moscow. It was exhilarating to see what dedicated educators and students could achieve – I was hooked!
  • I was appointed Managing Director of Westminster Business Consultants, which gave students a platform for implementing classroom theory in real world experience. I landed a portfolio of projects for my students to work on for superstar clients like Danone Galbani and Peugeot. I then firmly embedded us in the European Network of Junior Enterprises so my students could collaborate with fellow junior entrepreneurs throughout Europe.
  • As Deputy Chair of British Universities Iraq Consortium, I worked with colleagues to help Iraqi academics and scholars rebuild Iraq’s higher education system through partnerships and scholarship programs.
  • I’ve worked with government ministries, agencies, and partners in Azerbaijan, India, Russia, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, the UAE, and Vietnam (to name a few) to develop trainings, scholarship programs, and partnerships.
  • As a project manager, recruiter, and admissions professional, I worked on the ground in 50 countries throughout Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe, and with thousands of students from, well, I've lost count, but just about from everywhere and most likely, yours!!

I hear you’ve got admissions experience, too?

Oh yeah!!!

Like I said, I’ve led on regional admissions and recruitment efforts for killer institutions like Brunel, Exeter, and Cornell.  I’ve read thousands of admissions files, counseled, and interviewed crazy numbers of applicants. I’ve saddled up with adcoms and have ridden solo in making decisions on applications. 

I’ve evaluated apps that have blown my mind with their sincerity, clarity, and vision.

“Best Decision Ever! The super positive mojo which she sends out regularly is definitely a huge plus for keeping your morale up. I am thankful to have had her as a mentor for my MBA application journey and I look forward to seeking her advice further in the future.”
Class of 2022 Admit

And I’ve endured others that have made me want to bang my head against a wall. Those guys always broke my heart just a little. 

I observed over and over how otherwise capable clients snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. If they had shifted their approach even just a bit, things could have been vastly different for them.  Hey – talking about yourself is hard, I get it.  They just needed a friend to help them navigate the application jungle.  I started to see where my next leap would take me: right here, right alongside you on your career or admissions journey.

And when it comes to being right here with you, I’m all in!  I went beyond my years of professional experience and skilled up for you!!

Skilled up you say? You mean there’s more?

Oh yes!

  • I trained at the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in executive presentation to help you with networking and interviewing.
  • I’ve got certification in mediation and negotiation from Portland State University, so that I can better coach you as you maneuver through tricky situations like leaving your current job gracefully and negotiating better scholarship and financial aid packages.
  • I’ll use my abilities as a certified hypnotherapist to help you dig deep to find the gems in your stories and help you reframe places where you lack confidence. I’ve helped clients with even the biggest challenges shine in their application process.

I can’t wait to help you embrace your brilliance through the process of finding your stories to tell and sharing them with others who will be inspired and uplifted by them. I want you to make the impact that you and I know you are destined to make. I want you to walk away from this process with skills that will take you beyond B-school or your next career step and into the amazing life you deserve!

Gimme a cool metaphor for your coaching philosophy

I love the symbol of the North Star. One of my happiest moments is when my clients arrive at that instant when their own personal Compass Star comes BLINGING into view and they are ready to take the leap and follow it.  Exhilarating! I know because I’ve lived it myself. I trust my North Star and I trust yours too – it’s what makes you the amazing, brilliant, courageous, crazy-like-a-fox-you living the life that only you can live. 

“I know that the journey is just beginning and there is a lot of work to do in the future, but because of working with Charli, I feel so empowered to accomplish my goals and help build up others.”
Class of 2023 Admit

What do you do when you’re not helping amazing clients like me achieve their dreams?

Not so long ago I became a mother to a clever, hilarious, gorgeous son.  So in my free time, I hang with my little chap, hiking, playing and learning. As a dedicated lifelong learner, I love how parenthood offers so many opportunities to grow while raising a wondrous small human.  Do I sound like a doting mama?  Don’t even get me started with the pictures. Uh oh, too late…

For those of you who have a spouse and maybe a sprout or two, the prospect of a career change or MBA program takes on a whole new dimension.  If you are in this space, you’ve probably got tons of questions, concerns, and considerations. For sure, there are a lot of moving parts.  In my admissions and recruitment roles, I’ve supported loads of professionals with families in their transition.  I’m with you in more ways than one.

Your MBTI Type?


Social Media?

TwitterLinkedIn, Instagram and telepathy.  Just kidding. I’m not really on Instagram. 

If you could be an animal, what would you be?

A few years ago, I went to Zimbabwe to work with aspiring law students and took a side trip to Wild is Life Sanctuary in Harare, where I discovered the pangolin. It’s said that meeting one of these scaly anteaters is a lucky experience and yup, I felt pretty darned lucky. It was love at first sight. I mean, who could resist them? They are awesome and adorable and among the most endangered creatures on the planet. Before my visit to the sanctuary, I had no idea they existed. A lot of people don’t know about these little guys. The problem? If we don’t know they exist, we can’t save ‘em. Now I’m on a mission to introduce these scaly little superstars to everyone. So happy pangol-ing, friend and welcome to the club! 

Wanna know if working with Charli or one of our other awesome coaches could be the right move for your MBA application?