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The MBA Story Partnership Program

Resources, guidance, and group coaching for the entire process.
Deep dives 1:1 for your MBA stories and essays.


Story Partnership Project

$9,000 $5,999 (Round 2 Discount)

  • Unlimited access through May 1, 2025
  • Step-by-step MBA application success training
  • Easy to use workbooks, templates, tools & spreadsheets
  • Bonus resources to simplify and amplify your success: networking training, AI tools, MBAmo, our school research vault
  • Drop-in office hours with Career Protocol coaches
  • Live training sessions on resume-building, career development, and storytelling with Angela and other experts
  • Accountability calls to make the best use of your time in the last month before deadlines
  • 24/7 online community to share resources and stay on track in a safe space
  • Make sure you nail school selection and your Career Game Plan


  • Our proprietary story exploration tool, You Discovery™
  • Your Life Story PowerPoint created by a Career Protocol Coach
  • One 60-minute Awesome Sauce call to review every aspect of your profile and story and select schools and recommenders
  • Review your Career Game Plan with a coach to ensure your Personal Statements wow adcoms
  • Strategize and storyboard essays for your favorite schools with your coach
  • Get 3 hours of essay review and strategizing with your coach to use however you like
  • (Most drafts take 30 minutes to review; most essay strategy calls take about 30 minutes)
  • Hours must be used before December 20
  • Add more essay hours as you need them ($500 per hour)

Authentic character, inspiring true stories, and deep insight into your genuine values are what compel schools to grant you admission and scholarships.

That’s why the MBA Success Protocol encourages you to deepen your self-awareness and enhance your self-communication skills while you build your most authentic MBA application.

That takes work and dedication to yourself.

In this program, your coach partners with you to help you craft your very best stories.

Here’s how your amazing MBA journey will unfold:

step 1

Discover Your Values and Stories
  • How we’re different: We don’t try to fit your story in a prescriptive box. To help you showcase your best and most authentic self, we really get to know you first. Like really really. Then we help you choose your most inspiring unique merits to highlight across every aspect of the application.

  • Complete our simple yet profound You Discovery™ story exploration workbook to catalogue your most important experiences.

  • Your coach creates your Life Story PowerPoint, giving you clarity and insight into your character. Most clients say this is a revelation.

  • Then you have your Awesome Sauce call to review it all and kick off the storytelling process.

step 2

Choose the Right Schools

  • How we’re different: We don’t constrain your school choice. We encourage you to aim high. But we also make sure you understand your odds accurately and strategize accordingly.

  • Get your coach’s expert guidance on choosing the right schools for your profile.

  • Ensure you’re aiming high while protecting your downside by choosing accurately calibrated reach, match, and safety schools

  • Leverage our AI tool to get an accurate understanding of your profile strength against target schools and to research the best fit programs for your career needs

step 3

Design Your Career Game Plan 

  • How we’re different: Our DNA is in career coaching, so we help you formulate a comprehensive 4-part plan to build a career you genuinely love (and impresses the adcom in the process). No other firm has the skills or experience to do this.

  • Design your 4-Part Career Game Plan to ensure you can show schools you know where you’re headed and that you need an MBA.

  • Ensure your career goals are both credible and inspiring for your Personal Statement Essays.

  • Map your best fit career path with greater self-compassion and clarity with coach support and insight.

step 4

Conduct Thorough and Efficient Research

  • How we’re different: We expect you to do extensive research on schools and potential jobs because it leads to a competitive edge, and we support that process with guidance and time-saving tools.

  • Shave up to 10 hours per school off your research process with our AI hacks and tools.

  • Collect all the information you need to write powerful essays for each school with our easy-to-use template.

  • Leverage the collected wisdom of our team and clients over the years in our MBA Resource Library.

step 5

Network with School Communities

  • How we’re different: Schools are evaluating your networking skills in the application process because they know your post-MBA jobs hinge on them. So we teach you how to network gracefully and confidently.

  • Get guidance from your coach on the best way to approach students, where to find them, and what to talk about.

  • Leverage our informational interview scripts to make conversations effortless.

  • Connect via the Career Protocol Hub with CP alumni at your target schools.

step 6

Select and Coach Recommenders

  • How we’re different: Recommendations have an outsized impact on the outcome, so we provide extensive support as you coach recommenders to do their best work.

  • Choose your best advocates with our guidance and expertise based on what has worked in the past.

  • Leverage our done-for-you templates to craft a robust package to prep and support your recommenders.

step 7

Perfect Your Resume

  • How we’re different: Our approach leverages Angela’s experience evaluating post-MBA resumes at BCG to help you learn how to construct a resume that stands out of the pile of Harvard grads applying to top post-MBA jobs. No MBA applicants have resumes as strong as CP clients do.

  • Drive your resume to the top of the pile with Badass Resume Protocol – easy to understand and execute frameworks to make your achievements shine.

  • Learn how to construct brilliant bullets (so you never need to pay for resume advice again.)

  • Use our done-for-you template to make MBA resume formatting a breeze.

step 8

Tell Epic Stories

  • How we’re different: We don’t tell you what to write, and we don’t line edit your essays for you. We partner with you to brainstorm your most epic stories, teach you how to tell them, and then work through unlimited revisions so your authentic voice can really shine through.

  • Brainstorm the essays for your core schools in your essay storyboarding call.

  • Work through three hours’ worth of revisions of essay drafts with your coach, and purchase even more time if you need it.

  • Learn the invaluable skill of personal storytelling to carry forward into your MBA and career through this iterative process.

step 9

Show School Fit

  • How we’re different: School fit isn’t about pandering to what you think schools want. We help you build a concrete plan to maximize the value of each school’s offerings to your future and contribute while you’re there. Then we help you show that throughout the application.

  • Get coach guidance on integrating the Career Game Plan and School Research work you’ve already done into your Personal Statement essays during your storyboarding call.

  • Ensure your candidacy resonates with each school uniquely not based on stereotypes or manipulation, but on your authentic vision for your future and how that school plays into it.

  • Leverage our Personal Statement trainings to showcase a vivid and compelling vision for your future career that garners unsolicited scholarship offers.

step 10

Submit Your Online Application with Confidence

  • How we’re different: We help you strategize every corner of your application, including the online short answers to ensure you’re fully leveraging every application component to stand out.

  • Follow our guidance on all the other app bells and whistles – video essays, recorded video interviews, and any extra components of the submission.

step 11

Ace Your Interviews

  • How we’re different: We teach you to build your best answers the 4 core question types that come up in all MBA interviews so you can practice and enhance them.

  • Complete our comprehensive Interview Hero Training Program, designed to help you excel in interviews much harder than MBA interviews (like post-MBA interviews with BCG or McKinsey).

  • Leverage our Interview Reports that delineate actual questions from past interviews at each school so you’re prepared for each individual school’s approach to interviews.

  • Practice your personal answers in interview hot seat or office hour calls. Or purchase an extra hour or two to do mock interviews with your coach.

step 12

Choose Your School and Negotiate Scholarships

  • How we’re different: On average, our Guided Quest clients get more than $90,000 in unsolicited scholarships each. Even still, we push you to ask for more and give you powerful tools to do it.

  • Get access to our scholarship negotiation process and scripts and guidance on how to approach schools to ask for more money.

  • If you’re choosing among multiple offers, get guidance to choose the option that’s truly best for you.

  • Follow our waitlist strategy guidance (if you are waitlisted at a core school).


Prepare for MBA Recruiting

  • How we’re different: Our work doesn’t even end with admission, matriculation, and scholarships. For qualifying community members, you’ll have the chance to sign up for YOMO: You Only MBA Once; our pre-MBA Recruitment Prep program so you can get the job you really want post-MBA.

  • Complete the industry’s ONLY pre-MBA recruiting prep program in a community of your CP alum peers.

  • Build your network, revamp your resume, and recalibrate your goals with group coaching guidance from Angela and the team so you can enter post-MBA recruiting with confidence and clarity.

  • Targeting Management Consulting? Join our Case Interview Hero Program to prepare for your case interviews.

What some of our successful students have to say

Working with Angela on my MBA applications was a truly awe-inspiring adventure of self-discovery and affirmation. And a journey of advice, tough love and reflection that pushed me to do my best, and in turn find out and reaffirm what makes me, me, and more than good enough for the college admits: great at manning and captaining my own boat.
MBA Class of 2025 Admit
“I was able to take my wife on a date and feel comfortable and not be like, oh, I really should be home writing. You helped me have a better weekend with my wife. And that was worth all the money to do that. And that was really great.”
R1 MBA Catalyst
“The MBA Catalyst Program provided so many opportunities for deep self-reflection. It increased my confidence by providing the structure to piece together stories that matter to me. Being part of a community also provided an opportunity to navigate tough waters together.“
R2 MBA Catalyst
“Diving into the MBA Catalyst Program by Career Protocol, I anticipated a daunting journey ahead. Surprisingly, the program transformed what seemed a Herculean task into manageable chunks, guiding me step-by-step. More than just navigating the application maze, it was a journey of self-discovery, helping me unearth my true aspirations. Initially aiming for lower-tier schools, the program’s encouragement led me to aim higher, truly a testament to its empowering nature. The Catalyst Program stands out for those contemplating solo navigation through the MBA application process. Its structured support, coupled with an incredible community vibe, offers both a scaffold and a cheerleading squad. For anyone standing on the precipice of the MBA application process, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of it all, this program not only lends a helping hand but also lights the path to self-awareness and ambition. It’s more than an application aid; it’s a catalyst for personal and professional clarity.”
R2 MBA Catalyst
“I think that all the deep reflection that is required from us is of great value. Because of that, I could understand what value I add not only to the programs, but as a human being. Also, the fact that this allowed me to apply not as someone who was selling themselves and begging to be admitted, but as someone cool who will add to the program. ”
R2 MBA Catalyst
“Looking back, I think I would’ve had absolutely no chance at making it without the program, as I had no idea what I was doing. Definitely the most help have been the videos, as well as the calls in general as they keep me going and keep me accountable. Thank you!!”
R2 MBA Catalyst
“The program helped me stay on track with my goals and get to final submission! Working with Sarah as my coach really helped me form my thoughts, validate some of my initial thinking and course correct where I may have been deviating.”
UVA Darden & Georgetown Admit
“I not only have a Stanford offer but offers to three other M7 schools, one with a scholarship! It’s well beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m putting the effort into writing this review because I am so grateful to her and her team for the countless hours of support (literally, unlimited) that they put into getting me where I am today.”
Stanford Class of 2024 Admit
“Angela really cares. These are good people that I trust. I have already told friends about them. I hope they can keep the feel of this program / company over time. It’s very personalized. I don’t know how they do it. It is so impressive. A true gem in the noise of what is out there.”
MBA Class of 2025 Admit

Have you already figured out what makes Career Protocol different from everyone else?

The creative process

This is where we really shine: helping you think through all the amazing dimensions of your life story, bringing them together in an artful and inspiring narrative, and then helping you take ownership of your greatness as you go through the process so that your core level of self-confidence is permanently upleveled.

Our approach to coaching

In order to do all the above, we approach the whole process from a position of love. We see all of our clients for the magnificent, capable, brilliant beings that they are and hold them in the highest light as we go through the process. That way, whenever their vision of themselves isn't up to that level, they can catch up while we're working together. No one else does this.

Our goal for you

We're also the only firm committed to building your executive skill-set and laying the groundwork for long-term success, rather than gaining MBA admission alone. Our approach is pedagogical, exploratory, and focused on building capacity, not giving you the answers. (There are no right answers, by the way.) And our coaching resources and support continue well into the first year of your chosen MBA program, as you tackle internship recruiting.

If you work with us, you’ll be able to say two things when you submit those applications:

This application represents the very best of me and all I have to offer. If this school doesn’t want this person, I accept the outcome because this is who I am.

I wrote my whole application. Yeah, resume too! So if I get into X school, I know I deserve it. I earned the admission entirely on my own merit. (Imposter syndrome be gone!)

This is MBA admissions coaching without regrets, MBA admissions coaching that brings out your best self. And that’s why we get such great results: We don’t get our clients in, they do. And you can, too.

Our Curriculum

Applying to business school only seems big and scary until you
break it down into its component parts.

These are the 12 steps you need to take to do it right:

We provide resources, learning opportunities, and coaching every step of the way so you can bring out your best.


We’re known for communicating things simply, clearly, and compellingly.

The exact thing we’re teaching you to do in this process! So you can be sure that our resources are the bomb. Here’s a selection of some of the awesome things you’ll have access to while working with us:

1:1 Coaching

Don’t let the abundance of awesome resources trick you into thinking this is a self-study program. With the Story Partnership Program, your coach will guide you to discover, brainstorm and draft inspiring stories and brilliant essays that showcase your best self through…

Story Partnership Project

The Authentic MBA Story Partnership

Group support and resources for the entire application.
1:1 Coaching on the best part: your stories.


Story Partnership Project

$9,000 $5,999 (Round 2 Discount)

  • Unlimited access through May 1, 2025
  • Step-by-step MBA application success training
  • Easy to use workbooks, templates, tools & spreadsheets
  • Bonus resources to simplify and amplify your success: networking training, AI tools, MBAmo, our school research vault
  • Drop-in office hours with Career Protocol coaches
  • Live training sessions on resume-building, career development, and storytelling with Angela and other experts
  • Accountability calls to make the best use of your time in the last month before deadlines
  • 24/7 online community to share resources and stay on track in a safe space
  • Make sure you nail school selection and your Career Game Plan


  • Our proprietary story exploration tool, You Discovery™
  • Your Life Story PowerPoint created by a Career Protocol Coach
  • One 60-minute Awesome Sauce call to review every aspect of your profile and story and select schools and recommenders
  • Review your Career Game Plan with a coach to ensure your Personal Statements wow adcoms
  • Strategize and storyboard essays for your favorite schools with your coach
  • Get 3 hours of essay review and strategizing with your coach to use however you like
  • (Most drafts take 30 minutes to review; most essay strategy calls take about 30 minutes)
  • Hours must be used before December 20
  • Add more essay hours as you need them ($500 per hour)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Join the MBA Catalyst Program today. If you don’t love the curriculum, coaching, and community, just send an email to [email protected] within 7 days of enrollment and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

MBA Success Guarantee

If you complete all the work of the MBA Success Protocol, regardless of which program you signed up for (Catalyst, Story Partnership, or Guided Quest)—including applying to at least two “safer” MBA programs—and do not receive an offer of admission from any MBA program this application season, you are eligible to participate in the next MBA Catalyst program for free. You will also receive a complimentary reapplication strategy call with a Career Protocol coach to help you refine your approach.

Conditions to Qualify for This Guarantee:

  • Application Timing: Apply to MBA programs in either Round 1 or Round 2 of the year you take the program (applicants applying in Round 3, Round 4, or to deferred programs are not eligible).
  • School Selection: Submit complete applications to at least two “safer” schools, as determined by MBAmo based on your application statistics.
  • Proof of Work: Share all completed work from the program, along with application materials for all schools, with the Career Protocol team. (All materials will be kept confidential.)

Note: Any private, 1:1 coaching services (including Power Hours, Story Partnership, or Guided Quest sessions) are not forwarded or applied to the next season. If you choose to reapply with 1:1 support in the second season, these services are available for an additional fee.  

Some results from the last class

Female applicant working in social impact; 630 GMAT; 4/4 for interview invitations; admitted to IESE, Oxford, and Cambridge
Male applicant working in tech; low test score (600 GMAT); admitted to dream program, HEC Paris.
Male applicant working in design and construction; low test score & tight application deadline; received 2/2 interview invitations, and admitted to Babson with over half of the cost covered by scholarships.
Female applicant working in finance; received interview invites at 5/6 top programs applied to; admitted to Booth and UVA Darden with over 140K in scholarships.
First generation female applicant working in tech; submitted test score waivers and impacted by tech layoffs; admitted to 2/2 programs with scholarship funding at both, including dream program: UT McCombs.
Male applicant working in media & entertainment; 316 GRE, low undergraduate GPA; admitted to UT McCombs and Wharton/Lauder.
Female applicant working in social impact; admitted to Dartmouth and Michigan Ross with total of 95K in scholarship funding.