GMAT scores at Top Schools, How to Finish Your MBA Application Strong and What to Do Post-MBA Application

Hi 👋 I’m Jonny, Media Manager and part-time elf at Career Protocol. It’s cold, our sunlight has long migrated south, and we have an awesome collection of MBA resources this December for you and those to whom you gift them.

Welcome MBA applicants! For a lot of the world, December seems hardly the time to worry about getting into business school, but with Round 1 coming to a close and the end of Round 2 just around the corner, MBA applications are still here whether we want them to be or not. Will finishing them off feel like finding coal in your stocking or can we create a Christmas miracle?

Here’s a summary of the MBA Bulletin this month:

🎁  Average GMAT and GRE scores for Top US Business Schools

🎁  Self-care, congratulations and picking yourself up after Round 1

🎁  You’re almost there! Square away the application for Round 2

🎁  Want went wrong? Is it worth re-applying?

🎁  MBA News Round-up

Season’s greetings from the dark, wet wastes of the north,
Jonny 🎅

Here are the average GMAT and GRE scores at top MBA programs

The other elves and I joined our adorable heads together and realised this is the end of an era for all the old GMAT data. On January 31, you’ll have to take the new GMAT Focus test instead of the old one.

Our advice remains to take the test you’re best at, and if the test date’s coming up soon, to stick with the one you’ve been practising. For those whose exam’s still a way away and who aren’t hyper confident with tests, we recommend the GRE for now while GMAT test prep companies and the wider MBA world figure out how to teach this new-fangled GMAT.

So with an exaggerated teary farewell while it’s still useful for those final few taking the old GMAT, here are the up-to-date average GMAT and GRE scores for MBA applicants at top schools.

Average GMAT and GRE scores for MBA applicants at top schools

Round 1 is finally over!

It’s the final countdown for Round 2!

Is it wise to reapply?

It’s always horrible to receive bad news – but you can find some small consolation in the fact the vast majority of applications don’t quite make it. But it doesn’t have to end here: schools love reapplicants.

Top MBA news round-up

More from us this month

Picture of Jonny Hunter

Jonny Hunter

Media Manager

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