Louise Loeb
Hi there!
Those were actually my first words as a baby. Since a very young age, I’ve always been excited to connect with people. My favorite way of connecting is through humor!
Why humor?
Because when we laugh, we’re present in the moment. We aren’t stuck in past regrets or thinking about future fears and anxieties. We’re in the here and now — sharing a positive and communal emotional experience. My love of laughter as a mode of human connection has ultimately led me to a life in business – the funny business, that is!

Is that a joke?
Yes, that is a joke…and it’s also true! #TruthInComedy. For the past seven years, I’ve studied improv, sketch comedy, and comedic screenwriting in Chicago at:
- Second City Conservatory
- iO Theater’s Improv & Music Improv programs
- Comedy Sportz Chicago School of Professional Improvisation
- The Annoyance Theater
- Upright Citizens Brigade
Before COVID-19, I also performed weekly at the famous iO Theater in Chicago on the team, Buttermilk, in a show called “The Harold.” Based on a single-word audience suggestion, we create a full three-act 30-minute play made up entirely on the spot.
If you’re unfamiliar with improv, essentially the #1 rule is “Yes, and”— that is, saying “yes” to a teammate’s silly move or character choice and then adding to it with fun supporting moves and character choices of your own.
It’s amazing how this one simple rule naturally removes judgment from the collaborative process and enables smooth, positive teamwork. I can definitely say that applying this tactic night after night and day after day, even in my professional life, has taught me that every “mistake,” whether on stage or in real life, is actually an invitation.
An invitation to create something more interesting and meaningful. You just have to wholeheartedly own it and run with it! And don’t forget to laugh. Never forget to laugh.

Sound like too much fun? In case you’re curious about my other credentials…
My comedy school credentials are actually most relevant to my job at Career Protocol because of the creative brainstorming, storytelling, and teamwork skills I bring to the table. I like to think of you and me as a storytelling duo, and it’s our job to create your Epic Story together. I also use improv techniques to help my clients with spontaneity, flow, and audience connection in prepping for interviews. But in case you were wondering,
I’ve also graduated from some more serious institutions of higher education.
- Vassar College – B.A. in History with a minor in Asian Studies
- University of Cambridge, Clare College – M.Phil. in Historical Studies
- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University – J.D. with full scholarship
…and I’ve also had serious day-jobs as an attorney licensed in New York and Illinois:
- Franchise and employment litigation at a small downtown Chicago firm
- GDPR and data privacy compliance
- Tax controversy practice at a national tax resolution company
- E-discovery and litigation support at Big Law firms in Chicago
Let’s just say, I know how to make a case. Ha!

But that’s not what I’m going to help you do. My law experiences have shown me that good storytelling works much better than case-making when you want to build human relationships based on trust, which is exactly what you want to do in your job and MBA applications!
What’s it like to work with you?
It's supposed to be fun! My goal is to make this process as fun and enlightening as possible. Both those things require that we take the job seriously and ourselves not too seriously. Humor is all about truth. So we'll discover your truth that inspires compelling personal stories for your career goals or MBA applications and discover new ways to laugh at ourselves in the process.
I’ll also include some fun improv exercises in our work together. They really help overcome writer’s block on job materials and admissions essays. Sometimes the best way to get the creative juices flowing is through play!!

Why do you like this work?
I love helping my clients strengthen and trust their own voice, both inner and outer. During the initial brainstorming stage, my coaching style is to give you a fun, nonjudgmental space to unleash your creative side. Your job is just to be your awesome self. No story is a boring one!
Working together, we’ll identify the overarching themes of your life story and really dig deep to find your truth. We’ll also play around with different kinds of narrative approaches until we find the one that really communicates your story with honesty, integrity, and heart.
The best part for me is making your career transformation and/or business school application a fun journey!
Are you on social media?
Yes, but only through my puppet account. I mean, literally, my puppet’s account. Did I mention I’m also a puppeteer? I like to film comedic puppet videos and post them on YouTube and Instagram for my friends to laugh at and enjoy. If we become friends, maybe I’ll share them with you.
Oh yeah, and Linkedin, of course.
Myers-Briggs type:
INFP baby! There seem to be a lot of us around here.
Top Strengthfinders® Strengths:
- Context
- Learner
- Input
- Strategic
- Empathy
Anything else interesting?
I am obsessed with every ghost-hunting show on TV! Also, in a past life I think I must have been a cat, for I exhibit some very cat-like traits such as extreme curiosity, looking out the window a lot, and being overly protective of my food.

One-word summary:
If I were a kitchen utensil, I would be…
A spoon – because then you could balance me on your nose and it would be funny.

Wanna know if working with Louise or one of our other awesome coaches could be the right move for your MBA application?