Yes, we think using AI for your MBA applications is a great idea! It can be REALLY helpful!! That puts us in opposition to pretty much all the advice from other MBA admissions consultants: partially because we’re primarily a coaching company – we want to help you become a better candidate, not just make you look like one – so AI can’t offer what we do, but also because our advice comes with a huge caveat:
DO NOT ASK AN AI CHATBOT TO WRITE YOUR MBA ESSAYS FOR YOU! Instead, use it to help with your MBA research. Just a few prompts can shave hours or even days off the time it takes to decide if an MBA is right for you and what kind of MBA program you should be applying to.
But that’s not all! This video is only a taste of the power of AI to streamline your MBA application – you can find a lot more in our AI-Powered School Scouting Toolkit
Prefer to read? Here’s the transcript:
We're just scratching the surface here in the power that AI gives you to simplify your research process, get to know yourself better, and create stronger, higher-quality MBA applications while saving yourself time in the process. Today, I'm going to teach you how to use AI to write your MBA essays. Just kidding, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to tell you that you probably shouldn't use AI to write your MBA essays because we have tried extensively to create prompts that would make the robot turn the facts of your life into a beautiful essay that actually reflects not just your life story, but also your voice, and it's a total failure every time. The robot is really good at organizing information. It's really good at writing something that sounds basically literate, but making anything with the degree of personal touch, emotion, and flare that you need to be able to express your unique voice, ChatGPT cannot achieve. However, it can help you dramatically streamline your research and application process, deepen your knowledge of schools, yourself, and the way the MBA program is going to enhance your future before you apply. Here are three questions you need to ask ChatGPT before you embark on your MBA application journey.
I'm going to share with you three questions that you need to ask ChatGPT today before you apply to business school. By the way, these are but three of a multitude of AI-driven research questions that we've developed for members of our community. Would you like to be a member of the Career Protocol community? You can. Just click the link “Join our community”. We'll ask you a couple of quick questions, and then we'll put you right in to our MBA email game. It's totally free, you're going to love it. Every week you get two new emails that are moving you along the journey of applying to business school, giving you some of our best free content that we only share with members of our community, and adding to your toolkit as you seek to achieve your MBA dreams. We really want to help you on that journey. That's what this channel is all about, but our email game takes it all to a totally next level. So scroll down below and sign up to join our community and get way more than just these three prompts I'm going to share with you today.
1. List 10 MBA Programs That You Think Are The Best Fit For Me & Why
Let's get right to it! Prompt number one, question number one that you need to ask ChatGPT. You can try Bard, you can try the other things. We found ChatGPT to be the most effective at reasoning and giving complete answers to these questions. Despite what we all know to be the occasional errors, these questions are going to get you really, really useful answers. So start with ChatGPT. Here's question number one. The first thing you need to do is give it a little bit of information about yourself. You want to say, “Hi, Chatty! I am a <current role/current industry> –“ tell it what your job is, what industry you're in “– in the first X years of my career.” tell it how many years you are into your career, and then summarize your long-term vision. “My long-term vision is to <blank>.” Just give it a little bit of information about what your long-term vision is, and then ask it this question: “Given my goals, please list 10 MBA programs that you think are the best fit for me and tell me why.”. Now this answer is really going to impress you. You're going to be so excited to see the list of 10 schools that come back, and more importantly, you're going to be really interested in what ChatGPT says about why those programs are going to be value added in your career. Take a look, dive deep into that, and begin to get the juices flowing in terms of your own thinking about whether or not the MBA is actually going to add the value that you're seeking to your career. That's prompt number one.
2. What Is The Value I Can Expect To Get Out Of An MBA Program?
- Tangibles (increased earnings potential, salaries, responsibilities)
- Intangibles (soft skills, networking development)
Prompt number two: What is the value I can expect to get out of an MBA program in terms of tangibles, meaning increased earnings potentials, salaries, and responsibilities; and intangibles in terms of soft skills and networking development on my way towards my long-term goal? I already told ChatGPT what your long-term goal is, so it's going to reference that, and it's going to tell you all the tell you that you specifically could get out of an MBA program en route to your goals. That's going to further strengthen your intuition about whether or not the MBA is actually going to give you the things that you need and if the value that you're going to get out of the MBA program is going to be worth the investment to apply, to get in, and to attend the program.
3. When People Like Me Are Dissatisfied With Their MBA, What Is The Reason?
Ready for the third prompt? We always have to look at the dark side. Don't just look at the upside, always be sure to look at the other side too. Here's the third question. When people like me are dissatisfied with their MBA, what is usually the reason? You're going to be so impressed with the vast array of quality answers that ChatGPT is collating for you in terms of the value of an MBA and the possible downside risks of how you might graduate and actually not be satisfied with your MBA program. Take a look at everything you learn in these three prompts, and then start to think about your decision. Is an MBA really the right step for you, and is it going to get you where you want to go in your career?
We're just scratching the surface here in the power that AI gives you to simplify your research process, get to know yourself better, and create stronger, higher-quality MBA applications while saving yourself time in the process. If these were useful to you and you want to open yourself up to all of the AI prompts that we've developed to help you research schools, consider jumping into our AI School Scouting Toolkit. It's a bunch of prompts to feed ChatGPT its reflection exercises about yourself and what's important to you, and then how to use that information to get really valuable insights from ChatGPT about the schools that you intend to apply to and the research that you need to do before you begin constructing your applications. We took the first step today into figuring out if an MBA is even worth it for you. The next step is to now choose your schools and begin researching them as you continue on the MBA journey. Again, you can get all of our AI tips for school research in the AI school scouting kit and please, please consider joining our MBA application community. It's free, and we give away all of our best content, some of the stuff that we only reserve usually for clients to people who join our community through that survey. If you're like me, this little crack in the door of the power of AI to help you on your MBA applications is going to lead you down a seemingly infinite rabbit hole of prompt engineering and attempting to get really useful responses out of the robot, I hope you have fun with these prompts. Again, if you want the benefit of all of our prompts and all the research that we've done to help our clients streamline and simplify this process, while also deepening their awareness and knowledge of themselves and schools, then check out the links below. I will see you next time on MBA Monday!
Let’s have a conversation!
Start your journey with MBA Protocol today.

Angela Guido
Student of Human Nature| Founder and
Chief Education Officer of Career Protocol

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